Justice and the Search for Peace

Justice and the Search for Peace

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    Map of the Islamic conquest until 750 Map of the Islamic conquest until 750 : Sir Martin Gilbert
    Recognizing the rights of the Jews from Arab countries is a call for justice, fairness and the acknowledgement of historical truth in the search for Middle East peace.

    Recognizing rights for Jews displaced from Arab countries is a call for truth and reconciliation. For any peace process to be credible and enduring, it must ensure that all bona fide refugees receive equal rights and treatment under international law.

    And yet, the mass violation of the human rights of the Jews from Arab lands, the destruction of their ancient and thriving communities, the expropriation of their assets and properties, and their displacement and expulsion from their lands of residence over the millennia have never been adequately addressed by the UN and the international community.

    Recognizing the rights of the Jews from Arab countries is a call for justice, fairness and the acknowledgement of historical truth in the search for Middle East peace.